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You can now find the Pronoun Zine at tnet.store, along with plenty of other zines and trans-related stuff!

What is the Pronoun Zine?
The Pronoun Zine (“zeen”) is a simple, easy-to-read, 8-page, 4¼″ by 5½″ booklet by Stacy Fatemi that provides the reader with all the tools they need to understand and respect people’s pronouns! In it, you’ll find…1. What pronouns are and why they’re important,
2. A list of 20 different sets of pronouns,
3. How to use and try out new pronouns,
4. Some steps you can take to help, and
5. Wonderful illustrations by Noah Brown!

Since its creation in October 2018, the Pronoun Zine has found its way into the hands of hundreds of people to educate them on basic linguistic respect for trans folks. This small and concise guide is popular for relatives of trans people, as well as in schools, businesses, and other organizations.

Photography by Kels Rood.
Who benefits from this zine?
In short, everyone! When cis people (meaning non-trans people) know how to use this basic form of address, it not only puts trans people at ease and gives them the respect they deserve, but also makes the world a more tolerant and inclusive place. Cis folks mystified by how to use pronouns can read over this zine and get it right every time they need to interact with or talk about a trans person in the future, and trans people can give this guide to friends, family, and coworkers to ensure that everyone’s on the same page. It’s a win-win!
How do I get a zine?
Order them below! You can get physical copies at $5.00 each. If you'd like to print and assemble your own, or get the digital e-book, you can get both for $100.00!

Pronoun Zine (Physical Copy)

Printable Zine PDF + E-Book
How do people like it?

"This zine has changed lives! I not only used it in my classroom this year, to normalize the usage of preferred pronouns, but I overheard a student saying they took it home and showed it to their parents. Now that student’s parents have started using their proper pronouns at home!" —Micah (they/them), 29
"Pronouns: What’s the Big Deal?", also known as The Pronoun Zine, is protected under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. To get permission for resale (like if you want to sell copies of the zine at your business), please go to the contact page.
You can use this form to ask a question, request a discount code for the printable Pronoun Zine PDF, request an alternate payment method (like cash or Venmo), or get permission for reselling zines at your shop or local event! Alternatively, you can email us at contact@transeducation.net.
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